Posted at 4:29 pm

September 3, 2024

By: admin

September, 2024 – The definitive Latan & USA show

After 29 successful networking events worldwide, we bring you state-of-the-art matchmaking with Global Distributors & Wholesalers in our very own LATAM & USA show located in Miami.

What is gsmX Miami About?

There will be thousands of visitors attending the show from Mobile/Consumer Electronics Industry. This show focuses on Distribution and Circular Economy of Mobile Devices and Consumer Electronics from North & South America!


Established in 2004, TMCell is a direct distributor of wireless handsets, accessories, and data products for all broadband technologies. Our parent company incorporates technological expertise to shape the future of business and also provides our strong purchasing power. Headquartered in Miami, Florida, TMCell’s facilities have over 40,000 sq. ft. (4000 m2) allowing for in-house inventory management. Through its extensive mobile industry experience plus its regional presence, TMCell is committed to serving Latin America, North America, and the Caribbean through long-term relationships with vendors and channel partners. Our company guarantees the highest levels of quality, innovation, integrity, and value.